Breadcrumbs Interactive
We love combining dark humour, quirky characters and charming art to create worlds that you can get lost in.
Meet the Team
A group filled with questionable humour, frequent typos and unrequited love of various art forms. Exclusions may apply.

The one to blame for nightmares and scary flashbacks.

The one to blame for bad puns and lack of balancing

The one to blame for questionable mechanics, postponed releases and bad rhymes.

The one to blame for glitchy animations and flashy eye sores

The one to blame for lewd jokes and questionable fixes.

The one to blame for unresponsive interfaces and weird gameplay glitches.

The one to blame for hidden exploits and bugs.
Friends & Partners
Collaborated with them, drank with them, sometimes argued with them, but generally worked well together
Former Breadcrumbs Members
No longer part of the team, but we'll always keep their annoying critique in our heart, their faulty code in our repositories and their unsolved bug reports in our database.

The other one to blame for a database full of bug reports.

The one to blame for bad performance, crashes and glitches.